CITE/Russell Sage College Doctoral Program Alumni Dr. Steve Dorcely and Dr. Shawna Hansford discuss their latest business venture "StrategiesMatters," a blog set out to inform and support various projects throughout education with a unique team of bloggers that are seasoned educators and administrators.
Andrew Henry sits down with Dr. Steve Dorcely and Dr. Shawna Hansford to discuss:
CITE is the Center for Integrated Training and Education.
20% of Principals in NYC are graduates of our programs (other educational leaders including a former Chancellor, a head of BOCES, and a multitude of district and city-level leaders). We run the largest Counseling Master's program in NY state. Thousands of teachers have earned certification through our programs, which are designed for working professionals.
We currently offer programs for:
General and Special Ed Masters (Early Childhood or Childhood), Adolescent Special Ed Professional Certification Masters, TESOL Masters, Special Ed license extension courses,Bilingual license extension courses, TESOL license extension courses, Early Childhood license extension courses
School Counseling Masters, Mental Health Counseling Masters, Advanced Certificate in Mental Health or School Counseling
School Building Leadership, School District Leadership, Doctorate for CSA members,Doctorate for non-CSA members, Public Administration Master’s
— in all five boroughs of NYC, Yonkers, Westchester, Nassau, and Suffolk.
CITE Professional Development:
CITE offers CTLE-approved in-school or online professional development tailored to your school’s needs and your vision. We can work remotely with your staff and parents. CITE PD has served over 1,000 schools. Info: